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Running at the Science Academy is not about being the fastest, the quickest, or the best. It's about completing a race as an accomplishment. It's about building endurance to run farther the next weekend. It's about beating personal goals and not looking at where you stand alongside everybody else. Not only is running a way to keep healthy and strong, but it's a stress reliever and serves to help you temporarily forget about the workload you may have at school and at home. The other runners apart of the club don't reject "slow" runners; they strive to motivate them to do better. Don't worry how you look or what others think of you. Just remember this the next time you're sitting on your couch with nothing to do:



San Antonio Trip: Complete all the runs required within span of time given
Big D (Dallas): Complete a qualifying half marathon in:
       Males: 2:10
       Females: 2:17



About us

What do you benefit from being in this club? Well for one, YOU'RE BECOMING HEALTHIER, and for two, there are super fun trips to look forward to at the end of the year! If you keep up with all your runs through both of your semesters, you should deserve to go run somewhere worthwhile, right? 

Every year, the coaches and officers plan a trip up to San Antonio. There, runners experience a TRUE trail run through a ton of mud, thorny bushes, and steep cliffs. Those who complete the running requirements are the ones allowed to go.

For those who go above and beyond, an annual trip to Dallas is in store! If you are able to meet a required time

(2:17 for girls or 2:10 for boys) for a qualifying half marathon, you get the chance to FLY to Dallas for the Big D half/full marathon!


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